User Name: ReptileMelody
Description: I'm a young artist, reptile enthusiast, and animal lover. When I'm not doing school or working I enjoy chilling with my pets, crafting, sewing, baking, gardening, hanging with close friends or family, going to reptile expos, craft fairs, and hiking. I enjoy studying reptiles,amphibians,and inverts (as well as other creatures). Learning about how to care for animals in captivity as well as understanding their behavioral habits greatly interests me. I'm also an avid plant lover. Living things in general fascinate me.
Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
City: Elk
State: Washington
Postal Code: 99009
Country: US
Social Media:
Current Pets: Snake
Desired Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, salamander or newt, small mammal, fish, insect, spider or invertebrate, cat
Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:
Why I'm Here: