Home Users redearthreptiles

User Name: redearthreptiles

Description: ball python breeder specializing in quality ballpython morphs

Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time
City: Oklahoma City
State: Oklahoma
Postal Code: 73112
Country: US
Social Media:

Current Pets: Snake, turtle or tortoise, dog

Past Pets: Lizard, frog or toad, small mammal, bird, fish

Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:

  • High: Snake, small mammal, fish, dog
  • Medium: Lizard, turtle or tortoise, large mammal, bird
  • Low: Frog or toad

Why I'm Here:

  • Stay in the know with news, events, etc
  • Meet and mingle with other animal lovers
  • Sell or trade my animal(s)

Created: May 7, 2015
Last Modified: 10 years ago
male pinstripe ball python
male pinstripe ball .....240grams......live rat eater but will accept f/t
yellow belly
yellowbelly male ...333grams currently eats live rats....has accepted frozen in past
pewters n pastels
just hatched clutch..male pewter- $115 pastel male-$25 2 female pewter-$145 each 1 pastel female-$70 just started eating pinkies and hoppers...will need couple more meales before they can leave. prices are plus shipping
pewters n pastels
just hatched clutch..male pewter- $115 pastel male-$25 2 female pewter-$145 each 1 pastel female-$70 just started eating pinkies and hoppers...will need couple more meales before they can leave. prices are plus shipping
breeder male
proven breeder albino male 2011 model. eats only live rats