Home Users plomosa

User Name: plomosa

Description: I like to keep and raise corn snakes, king snakes, hognose snakes, and blue tongue skinks.

Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Arizona
City: Mesa
State: Arizona
Postal Code: 85203
Country: US
Website: www.desertcanyonreptiles.com
Social Media: www.facebook.com/desertcanyonreptiles

Current Pets: Snake, lizard, dog

Past Pets: Turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, salamander or newt, insect, spider or invertebrate

Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:

  • High: Snake
  • Medium: Lizard, dog
  • Low: Turtle or tortoise, insect, spider or invertebrate

Why I'm Here:

  • Buy pet products or services
  • Sell or trade my animal(s)
  • Sell pet products or services

Created: May 21, 2015
Last Modified: 10 years ago
9 piece snake sexing probe kit
9 piece stainless steel ball tipped snake sexing probe kit with zip up case. Price includes shipping.