Home Users MtPleasantHerps

User Name: MtPleasantHerps


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Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time
City: Winchendon
State: Massachusetts
Postal Code: 01475
Country: US
Website: www.mtpleasantherps.com
Social Media: www.facebook.com/MountPleasantHerps

Current Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, large mammal, cat, dog

Past Pets: Salamander or newt, small mammal, fish, insect, spider or invertebrate

Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:

  • High: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, small mammal, large mammal, bird, fish, cat, dog
  • Medium: Salamander or newt
  • Low: Insect, spider or invertebrate

Why I'm Here:

  • Sell or trade my animal(s)

Created: July 3, 2015
Last Modified: 10 years ago
2015 Red Albino (Amelanistic) Motley corn snake, 100 heterozygous for Caramel & Stripe
Hatch date: July 27, 2015. Robust, large hatchlings. Eating appropriately sized F/T mice weekly since first shed. Photo taken September 1, 2015. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please contact us for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.
2014 Red Albino (amelanistic) Corn Snakes Het for Hypo, Anery & Stripe
2014 Albino/Amelanistic corn snakes, 100 heterozygous for hypo, anery & stripe. DOB: July 17, 2014. Robust, 18 to 20 inch yearlings. All vigorous eaters. Eating F/T mice weekly since first shed. Selling for $30.00 each, male or female, plus shipping. Contact us for photos of available individuals. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please email for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.
2015 Red Albino (Amelanistic) Motley corn snake, 100 heterozygous for Caramel & Stripe
Hatch date: July 27, 2015. Robust, large hatchlings. Eating appropriately sized F/T mice weekly since first shed. Photo taken September 1, 2015. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please contact us for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.
2015 Red Albino (Amelanistic) Motley corn snake, 100 heterozygous for Caramel & Stripe
Hatch date: July 27, 2015. Robust, large hatchlings. Eating appropriately sized F/T mice weekly since first shed. Photo taken September 1, 2015. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please contact us for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.
SOLD! 2015 Red Albino (Amelanistic) Motley corn snake, 100 heterozygous for Caramel & Stripe
SOLD! Hatch date: July 27, 2015. Robust, large hatchlings. Eating appropriately sized F/T mice weekly since first shed. Photo taken September 1, 2015. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please contact us for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.
2015 Gold Dust corn snake, 100 heterozygous for Motley
Hatch date: August 11, 2015. Robust, large hatchling. Eating appropriately sized F/T mice weekly since first shed. Photo taken September 1, 2015. Shipping via Fed-Ex Overnight - $30-$60 depending on location. Please contact us for shipping quote. Include your city, State, and zip code.