User Name: Michael Nino
Description: Rescuing and keeping animals since age 7 when a bird fell out of a second story window, he was a starling or krackle, my lil buddy. I moved into reptiles and fish and now at 52 I breed snakes for fun and rescue what needs a second chance, then I find them a home.
Phone: Click to Show
Business Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time
City: Philadelphia
State: Pennsylvania
Postal Code: 19082
Country: US
Social Media:
Current Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, small mammal, insect, spider or invertebrate, dog
Desired Pets: Snake, lizard, insect, spider or invertebrate
Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:
Why I'm Here: