User Name: desertrescue
Description: Desert Rescue Animal Sanctuary is a 501 (c3) non-profit organization that caters to all types of animals from domestics to wildlife. The rescue center handles all type of pets including those with medical and temperament issues. When an animal comes in, they are quarantined for 2 weeks before being put up for adoption. It is not unusual for the center to have a waiting list for these animals. After quarantine they are offered up for adoption to people on the waiting lists. If no one on the waiting list is interested in the animal then the animal is offered up to the general public. We ship all over the US and accept animals from anywhere in the US.
Phone: Click to Show
Business Hours: Noon-6pm Mon-Sat by appointment
Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
City: Las Vegas
State: Nevada
Postal Code: 89124
Country: US
Social Media:
Current Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, small mammal, large mammal, bird, fish, cat, dog
Past Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, small mammal, large mammal, bird, fish, cat, dog
Desired Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, small mammal, large mammal, bird, fish, cat, dog
Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:
Why I'm Here: