User Name: Bruceper
Description: Building the largest wildlife animal sanctuary in the world north of Kingman, AZ on 2,000 acres - Keepers of the Wild #2 ( Next to that I'm building a substainable eco-community ( and I'm looking to buy and/or breed snakes that will eat the Green Mohave Rattlesnakes and other rattlers in that area since we are ethically and morally forbidden to kill them and this seems like the best solution - so they don't kill us.
Phone: Click to Show
Business Hours: All
Time Zone:
City: Las Vegas
State: Nevada
Postal Code: 89123
Country: US
Social Media:
Current Pets: Large mammal, dog
Past Pets: Frog or toad, bird, fish, insect, spider or invertebrate, cat, dog
Desired Pets: Snake, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, large mammal, fish, cat, dog
Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:
Why I'm Here: