Home Users Aurora

User Name: Aurora

Description: I've been keeping snakes for 10 years and breeding Central American boa constrictor morphs for 5. I think they are amazing animals and make wonderful pets!

Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
City: Burbank
State: California
Postal Code: 91502
Country: US
Website: auroraswoods.com/exotics/
Social Media: www.facebook.com/auroraboas

Current Pets: Snake, small mammal, cat

Past Pets: Frog or toad, salamander or newt, small mammal, fish, dog

Desired Pets: Dog

Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:

  • High: Snake, small mammal, cat
  • Medium: Frog or toad, fish, dog
  • Low: Lizard, turtle or tortoise, salamander or newt, large mammal, insect, spider or invertebrate

Why I'm Here:

  • Keep track of my pet(s) better
  • Show off my current pet(s)
  • Stay in the know with news, events, etc
  • Meet and mingle with other animal lovers
  • Sell or trade my animal(s)

Created: May 31, 2015
Last Modified: 10 years ago
2014 Hypo Sonoran possible het Leopard dwarf boas
Beautiful hypo Sonoran possible het leopard boas. These are dwarf boas that likely won't grow more than 6 feet long. Beautiful pinks and peach color their bellies and sides. One male, one female available. The male has a lot of "pepper" speckling, as seen in the photo below. More photos available! $125 + $50 shipping to lower 48 states Free shipping if you buy the pair!