Home Users Arizona Reptile

User Name: Arizona Reptile

Description: We are an Arizona-based reptile breeder specializing in corn snakes and other popular kinds of reptiles. We are located in Mesa, Arizona (85213). We are just a short drive from most Valley cities including Mesa, Tempe, Gilbert, Apache Junction, Chandler, Phoenix and more. We offer free pickup within the Mesa/Phoenix area as well as ship nationwide.

Business Hours:
Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Arizona
City: Mesa
State: Arizona
Postal Code: 85213
Country: US
Website: www.arizonareptile.com
Social Media: www.facebook.com/arizonareptiles

Current Pets: Snake, small mammal, fish

Past Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, salamander or newt, small mammal, large mammal, bird, fish, insect, spider or invertebrate, cat, dog

Desired Pets: Snake, lizard, turtle or tortoise, salamander or newt, dog

Animal Knowledge or Experience Level:

  • High: Snake, small mammal
  • Medium: Lizard, salamander or newt, dog
  • Low: Turtle or tortoise, frog or toad, large mammal, bird, fish, insect, spider or invertebrate, cat

Why I'm Here:

  • Find a new pet
  • Learn more about my current or future pet(s)
  • Keep track of my pet(s) better
  • Show off my current pet(s)
  • Stay in the know with news, events, etc
  • Meet and mingle with other animal lovers
  • Buy pet products or services
  • Sell or trade my animal(s)
  • Sell pet products or services

Created: January 26, 2015
Last Modified: 7 years ago
Coral Ghost Corn Snake
Coral Ghost Corn Snake Born in 2014. Possible het Amelanistic (Salmon Snow). Unsexed. S5035
Male Salmon Snow Corn Snake
Male Salmon Snow Corn Snake. Born in 2014. S5030
Cinder Corn Snake
2013 male cinder corn snake, possible het hypo.
Hypo Cinder Corn Snake
Male hypo cinder corn snake. Born in 2013.
Diffused het Pied Corn Snake
2013 diffused corn snake, het pied. S4057
Tessera Corn Snakes
4 nice tessera corn snakes. Born 2013.
Cinnamon Ball Python
2012 Male Cinnamon Ball Python I have an extra cinnamon ball python that I no longer need. He was born in 2012. He's a good eater, but prefers live rats.
Hypo Pied-sided Bloodred Corn Snake
Female Hypo Pied-sided Bloodred Corn Snake (low expression). She was born in 2014 and is a great eater. S5006
2014 Diffused Corn Snake
2014 Diffused Corn Snake, het pied. Unsexed. S5010
Male Coral Ghost Corn Snake
Male Coral Ghost Corn Snake Born in 2014. Possible het Amelanistic (Salmon Snow). S5034
Female Coral Ghost Corn Snake
Female Coral Ghost Corn Snake Born in 2014. Possible het Amelanistic (Salmon Snow). S5037
Male Salmon Snow Corn Snake
Male Salmon Snow Corn Snake. Born in 2014. S5031
Female Salmon Snow Corn Snake
Female Salmon Snow Corn Snake. Born in 2014. S5032
Female Salmon Snow Corn Snake
Female Salmon Snow Corn Snake. Born in 2014. S5033
2014 Female het Albino Western Hognose Snake.
2014 Female Normal het Albino Western Hognose Snake. Only sold with her man, S5038. S5041
2014 Male Albino Western Hognose Snake
2014 Male Albino Western Hognose Snake. Only sold with his lady friend, S5041. S5038
2015 Normal Ball Python
2015 Normal Ball Python, unsexed. Feeding well on frozen/thawed fuzzy rats.