Many people do not want to keep a snake as a pet, because they are scared of them. There are many species of snakes that make great pets, such as corn snakes. They don't grow really long, the average length is about five feet. Corn snakes have good temperament and they eat any kind of rats and mice, even frozen ones. They live long and do not get sick very often. Other types of snakes that could be kept as a pet are: gopher snakes, kingsnakes, ball pythons, etc.
Snakes make very interesting pets. Most snakes can open their mouths so wide that they can eat food larger than their own heads. There are more than 3 thousand species of snakes in the world. The smallest snake in the world is about 10 cm (about 3.9 inches) long. The largest snake is 9 meters or 30 feet long. About 70% of the snakes lay their eggs and the other 30% give birth, pretty much as mammals.
Most people do not know that snakes are vertebrates, which means they have skeletons and bones. They do not have ears, but they have a special bone that registers the vibrations from the environment. Snakes use their tongue to find food. They shed their skin each two to six weeks. This procedure helps them in removing the parasites that may have attached to their skin.
Snakes are fairly easy to keep. They do not require special training and you don't need to feed them every day. You can clean their habitat occasionally, maybe once a month, because they are pretty clean animals. You may need to buy a heating or lighting device, depending on the species. One nice characteristic is that they don't make noise, so you can keep them in your living room. They also don't really smell if you keep their cage clean.