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What Kinds of Frogs and Toads Make Good Pets?

Frogs and toads are quite lovely creatures they are so very different from the usual pets people have they also need different kind of care.

Many kinds of frogs and toads can be kept as pets but it depends on your choice which one do you want.

Pacman Frog (Ceratophrys Ornata)

It is an often bought big frog. It is meant for beginners as they are easy to take care for the beginner frog owners. They are quite large 4-6 inches. They mostly stay burrowed and come out to soak them in water. They do not like to be handled and can bite. They are not housed together and should be housed alone. They have a nocturnal life style and are active during night. They have a life span of 7-10 years.

Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina)

They are pretty and cool toads which are also cheap and easy to take care of. They like to live in community so are usually housed together with few partners. They can be handled but only when needed. They have a diurnal lifestyle and so are active both during day and night. They have a pretty long life span of 15 years depending upon care.

Tomato Frog (Litoria Caerulea)

This is a nice and big beautiful red frog. They live mostly on the ground only. They are most active of all big frogs. They are easy to care of. It is best pet for those looking for size and color. They are 4-5 inches big and have a life span of 7 years. Same sized tomato frogs can be housed together. They are active during night.

Whites Tree Frog

These are the best tree frogs to pet. They are very popular due to their hardiness. They catch very less diseases and can also be handled more than other tree frogs. They are very active and fun to watch. They are easy to take care of. They have a life span of about 16years and are mostly active during the night.

African Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus Adspersus)

They are one of the biggest frogs. They are very popular due to their size and longevity. They have a life span of 20-40 years. They are easy to take care of. They do not like to be handled and can bite. With as size of 6-8 inches they are quite big. They should not be housed together. They are active during night.

Red-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis Callidryas)

They are one of the most beautiful frogs to keep as pets. They have very delicate skin and need extra time for cleaning their enclosure. Their care is something which needs time and dedication. They are best to be kept in groups. They should be handled only when necessary.