Having a pet in your home means you have another member in your family. Pets always bring joy and happiness in your family. Everyone loves having a pet at home, especially the children. With a pet in your home, they will learn easily about responsibilities and taking care of someone or something. Turtles and tortoises are really lovely animals and they could be the perfect pets. If you consider having a turtle and tortoises as a pet, here are the basic things you need to know about them:
1. The first thing you need to provide for your new pet is its habitat. Make sure the habitat of the turtle or the tortoises includes land area and also swimming area. This type of pets also requires adequate space. A good idea is to add some plants or stones. It is important to make a habitat pleasant for the pet. Turtles and tortoises require UV light. It helps them regulate the body temperature and keep their bones healthy. Twelve hours of light a day will be perfect for them. You can use a bulb for lightening and heating. The right temperature for them is between 75-85º F during the day and 70 -75 ° F during the night. Use a thermometer, so you can easily monitor the temperature.
2. Keep the habitat of the turtles / tortoises clean. If you have aquatic turtles clean the entire tank and change the water twice a week. Also use water filters to keep the water clean. It is important to clean the habitat of the turtle / tortoises from the waste and the uneaten food. Cleaning the habitat regularly keeps the pet healthy. Wash your hands after you clean the habitat of your pet or use antibacterial gel.
3. This type of pets requires special meals. You can feed them with worms, small fish and make sure you add leafy greens to their diet. Also, you should add insects to their meals 2-3 times in a week. You can also buy food from the pet stores. Don't feed the turtles and tortoises more than once a day. If the turtles / tortoises are young, feed them once a day. If they are adults, you should feed them 4 0r 5 times in a week. It is a good idea to add supplements to their diet such as calcium or multivitamins, but only once a week.