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Keeping Toads and Frogs as Pets

There aren't too many people that will pick these types of animals as pets. But if you are that kind that likes to have something apart as a pet, and you also feel fascinated by these funny looking creatures then maybe toads and frogs are not that awkward for you. Still, you must have in mind a couple of aspects if you do wish to enjoy these animals in your house. They will need both a humid area, where they can find water and a dry part, where they can get out of the water if they like. These are only some fundamental aspects, but if you want your frog or toad to survive as much as possible, there are other conditions you need to ensure, for keeping them healthy.

Even if most toads and frogs require the same conditions mostly, it is advisable to do a little research on the species you are going to house. It may have some necessities that are particular to that species, especially if we are talking about exotic ones. The following pieces of advice, concerning the keeping of these creatures, are general and should fit most of them. The terrarium in which you will house the frog or toad should be prepared according to the natural habitat of the species you are going to introduce in it. There are frogs that live in trees or on the ground, ones that are quite active, and ones that are pretty much sedentary. So these aspects will also be of help in setting up the environment. At this chapter, it is best to see where the type of toad and frog lives out in nature and try to reproduce the habitat as much as possible.

Concerning the bottom of the terrarium, the substrate may also differ according to the habits of the animal. There are frogs that like sitting on plants and moss, some are used to digging holes, so coconut husk with potting soil will be a fit mix. In any case, avoid using gravel as a substrate. The creatures can swallow it accidentally and die. If you wish to add rocks to the environment, choose large river stones, which cannot be swallowed. Concerning the light, you should provide them a source that can spread out UVBs. But also prepare a shaded corner, where light cannot pass, just in case your frog or toad had too much UVs on a day.

You should as well be careful about temperature. Tropical species usually require higher temperatures, ranging somewhere between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Frogs that usually live in regions with a temperate climate feel comfortable between 65 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, you must always ensure a cool place where they can hide away. Humidity is another important aspect. Check out where the type of frog or toad lives naturally, to determine the proper level of humidity. There are humidifiers that are specially designed for amphibians, made to meet their requirements. And since all amphibians will require water, in a bigger or smaller amount, is quality is also crucial. You should have a water test kit for aquariums in hand, to determine if chlorine, ammonia, or other substance's levels are high. They can be dangerous to an amphibian since they can absorb substance through their skin.