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How Much Do Snakes Cost?

Snakes are really fascinating and awe-inspiring creatures. Snakes are kept as pets by many people and with proper care and precautions they can be really cool and interesting pets.

But how much does a snake cost?

For this you first have to decide which snake you want as a pet. There are many species of snakes which people keep as pets.

These include:

Species Estimated Price
Corn Snake $40
Ball Python $60
Sand Boa $100
Milk Snake $100
Rough Green Snake $15
Kingsnake $70
Garter Snake $20

Apart from buying a snake it is also necessary to take good care of that snake. Buying a snake is not that expensive but what is real deal is to keep that snake.

A snake needs to be kept in a well built strong tank. As the snake grows the tank size is also needed to be increased so you need to change a few tanks.

A snake is a cold blooded animal so it is necessary to provide adequate surrounding temperature conditions to the snake as it cannot maintain its internal temperature like mammals. So you need to install a thermal heating system to the tank of the snake. It is also necessary to maintain the room temperature at a suitable temperature apart from the tank of snake. The humidity level should also be balanced.

Feeding a snake is up to the owner that whether he wants to feed the snake live food or dead meat. Depending upon your choice the cost of feeding snake varies.

Snake should also be regularly checked by a veterinary doctor as the snakes are very difficult to read for a normal person about how they are feeling.

You should also have some money kept for emergency situations which may arise while keeping a pet snake.

So there is a need to spend both on buying a snake and taking care of it.